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Friday, April 22, 2011
Nokia 3100 Dead Shorting Water Damage Wrong Charger Find Shortage
0 comments Posted by kachong.eeng at 7:31 AMNokia 3100 Dead Shorting Water Damage
suscribe email by : mobile repairing
Damage With Wrong Charger
How To Find Shortage in Nokia 3100
1..remove both coil mark in (1)…to check the shoting cause pf….. 2..remove light ic n300 mark in (2)…to check the shoting cause by the light ic…. 3..remove accessory regulator ic n100 mark in
(3)….to check the shoting cause by it because this ic got +b from batery…… 4..remove ringer ic n150 mark in (4)…to check the shoting cause by ringer ic…… end remove uem to check shoting is gone or not…….. all the component which are mark in pink colur these all are coils and resistance these are place in series and +b of batery is gone throw them so if u remove the coil u not have to remove ic to check the shorting in pcb it save time and ur ic
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
A description of the function of cellular phone components BB5
0 comments Posted by kachong.eeng at 8:01 AM• RAP3G (3G Radio Application Processor), which controls the main work phone. Retu voltage from VIO 1.8 Volt, and Vcore 1.4 Volt from TAHVO.
• not omas OMAP (Open Multimedia Mobile Processor), which controls the interface, such as Camera, MMC, keypad, LCD, etc. OMAP receive supply voltage 1,8 volts retu to VIO.
PCB Home Nokia 6680 (BB5)
Each processor has its own memory. RAP3G have a NOR Flash + SDRAM, while the OMAP Combo memory with the Ape
II. Memory
Since the data storage for the mobile phone type of memory used as follows:
• NAND Flash (Ape Combo Memory), which enters the OMAP processor. This memory contains the application data and user data User Interface settings. NAND Flash ICs have supply voltage of VIO Power retu VDRAM 1.8 Volt and 1.8 Volt.
• «New Flash + SDRAM (CMT Memory) is memory that contains vital data containing the main function of the phone firmware, Certification and Certificate ID. VIO supply voltage of 1.8 volts retu.
III. Power Supply Regulation
Component Power Supply, or better known as IC power BB5 phones is also divided into two parts:
• retu main power ICs are responsible for providing supply voltage to CPU, the SIM card, and the launch of Power and voltage other vital. Well as audio signal processing (Vibrator, device, headset and speaker Phone. Damage to retu verifiable causes of dead cell phone and other forms of damage.
Other function set LED lighting retu two LCD / Keypad President, the Assembly. Keypad LED does not light up when in a lighted room. Als (surrounding Light sensor) is located in front of the phone casing form the light sensitive transistor.
Article Source: Indonesia Your Ad Here Your Nokia BB5 Structure
• TAHVO the second is responsible for power IC also provides voltage to CPU, battere charging voltage (charging), flashing LED voltage and voltage.
Unlike DCT4 on, powernya UEM IC that contains security data IMEI number, and then retu TAHVO data security is the fact that the replacement TAHVO retu and does not require filling in the area, as well as DCT4 security.
IV. RF ICs (radio frequency)
Component Signal Processor on BB5 phones is also divided into two components, in particular,
• HINKU the component signal receiver (receiver). Incoming signal to a mobile phone, which was then processed and RAP3G Hinku will be sent to the speakers on the issue.
• VINKU a component of the transmitter signal from the mic to RAP3G and strengthened the VINKU
by PA and is transferred to the provider ..
V. Other Make startpage
Other components are
• GSM & WCDMA PA strengthening free output signals from VINKU.
• Media Switch set the receiver and transmitter signal paths and out.
• Bluetooth-IC to control the work function of Bluetooth data transfer 2.4 GHz frequency bands.
Identifying and knowing the components and functions of his office, then we can easily identify and to determine the origin of damage, if any problem arises with the latest Nokia phones this group
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Little information to my friends cell phone technician, general, what do I do that is to buy broken phones are very cheap and we will find our sparepatnya. Suggest that our warehouse is full and piled with goods, such as can not be sold, do not worry, I will give you a few solutions I want to sell quickly, particularly in 1600 and 1208 LCD components, we call the modification 1110i phone / 1112 and 1200. It sounds that we entered 1600 and 1208. Only step stride ... ... ...
As the following -------------------
1: We should make clear once (I'm using JAF but provides a more accurate if one)
2: Using the flash firmware / mcu, ppm, cnt 1600/1208. (Try the most high-use file)
3: After the success of the full flash (we write pm 1600 / 1208)
4: We UI settings (I recommend using UFS3 we check it all
His column, click on the button until the onion options
All processes are completed)
5: {self doing these tests can not be done, because this is a step to check
It's the parts that do not work)
Note: The phone 1110i/1112, 1200 to replace the modif LCD LCD 1600/1208/2310
(Maybe a friend from a flat LCD idle former We use only)
- 5 steps above you can only use 1 box jaf/ufs3.
But often use is a step above the lamgkah
1000% test is successful. {1,2,3 steps with JAF. Step 4.5 Use UFS3.
- An end, so that was our phone now so black and white ... dehhh
until now still no cell phone users ask for the modification ..
Price of $ 2
.. Was a dead horse for $ 5 in capital to buy is behind can still enjoy ...
heeee ...
Fortunately it is not winning any problems ..
crux in the eyes of our users not to underestimate the power .. And we should pay attention ..
But looks very easy trick ..
Thanks ... heeee
Sunday, April 3, 2011
For BB5 phones that use RF IC AHNE using non Processor v1.1 RAPGSM RAP3G.
RAPGSmv1.1 include Dlm CMOS Processor (MOSFET), which is a combination of a number of Vdd Field effect transistors (Drain) as a teg. Positive and VSS (source), as a negative.
RAPGSM the need for 2 kinds of voltage as follows:
Microprocessor Vcore Voltage = 1.4 V
Signal Data Processor Voltage 1.8 V = Violence
It is 19 meters RAPGSM Vddcore who receive a positive supply voltage 1.4 V (drain) of 19 meters and TAHVO VssCore negative voltage (source) to the ground.
And 11 meters, which will VddIO voltage 1.8 V.
Now almost fifty meters from the input supply voltage (Vdd / VSS) to this page rap, often have problems in the short kaki2nya. So, presumably due to the RAPGSM.
But if you want a more accurate measurement of short or not this RAPGSM difficult when injecting Heat stress and sense (touch it Best answer.) Or referred to given voltage (set teg work. Honored if necessary, directly to Power Supply, no more than IC regulators retu & TAHVO them, and seeing the reaction of PD power consumption).
Why? Because IC module RAPGSM data Vdd / VSS have diode protection switching time for shorting. Such a short rap itself is not perceived as heat, but heat is a voltage regulator, which provides (retu / TAHVO). So that may be incorrect detection, heat does not mean retu retu reply brief.
Method of elimination to determine which components of brief as follows:
(How to remove the tension is eliminating ingredient, which is suspected, then compare the current power supply included.)
1. Elimination TAHVO
Unplug L2302, or deleted, Vcore will be lost. Check again. If the same conditions MSH? If you sign the patient is not a problem Vcore for Rap.
If SDH normal heat problems 100% RAPGSM (part of the microprocessor).
Unplug L2301 & L2306, or lack TAHVO VBat data drop out, charging circuit does not work. Check again. Conditions are the same? If you have a problem with the patient TAHVO rating. If SDH normal heat problem TAHVO.
2. Elimination of PA
Unplug Z7520, teg. VBAT PA will be broken. Check again. If the current consumption should be normal, then the problem 100% PA.
3. Elimination of RF IC (AHNE)
Unplug L7502, teg. VBAT to AHNE be completed, if the current consumption should be normal, then the problem 100% AHNE. If the flow is still high, there is a problem AHNE, replace L7502.
4. Bluetooth IC Elimination
Unplug L6077, teg. VBAT IC BT will be completed, if the flow is normal, then the BT IC problematic.
5. Camera IC & elimination of regulatory
Unplug L3303, if the flow is normal, then the problem with camera or a camera IC (D3300)
If the flow is still high, pull L3304, turnover is normal, then 100% of regulatory problems, camera (N3300)
Camera ICs are often problematic download.
For the DSP takes RAPGSM teg. Violence. Elimination of export RAPGSM. Then look after the reaction of PD PS, or if you retu still feel hot. If SDH normal, then sign RAPGSM problematic. If the heat retu MH / PS current rating is still high, instead of disaster RAPGSM.
RAPGSM a short time, two possibilities can be distinguished by a short BGAnya kaki2 causes RAPGSM module itself.
If kaki2 BGA problematic, can be created to print (Reball)
However, if after diReball, increased return flows, retu heat. To the SDH RAPGSM damaged.
Shorting the phone in 3 categories:
- Go short so party Batt / PS. (Immediately jumped into the stream in PS)
- After pressing the short switch on / off. (SP stem rose after pressing the on / off)
- In short, when receiving call / transfer. (Current ride height when calling)
Condition 2. Kinda hard to detect them. Check & elimination component receives voltage regulator (retu, TAHVO, camera regulatory regulatory indicators, etc.)
Condition 3. In general, damage to PA .. Because the Assembly's work Call In / Out.