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Saturday, March 26, 2011
In Doing Service Mobile Phone Service is needed or the understanding of what tools we will use, especially if it is about software, this software because it takes understanding who is more than At The Deep Understanding in the field of Hardware.:.
Tips and Tricks On Using Tornado UFS3 Nokia
In the case of 1st Boot Err or Bad Resp DCT3
Damage like this is common because it is not terhubungnya between Box by phone
Check the flasher cable is used, because it is possible there is a broken line
If the cable is in good condition, there may be some damage to the software UFS3
Reinstall the program with data that is still good
In Case of Contact Service
Damage such as this usually occurs because of damage data
Perform data removal process with Erase FLASH
Then do flashing with data that is still good
Put a tick in the UI Options and click the Settings UI
If there is damage to the IMEI data, do the Rebuild IMEI and repeat the process UI Settings
If the damage due to hardware, there are some IC that causes it, but cases like this simply by replacing the IC or IC Audio COBBA
If sata or Erasing Flashing process, the process stalled
Check the flasher cable, because it shows breakdown of the relationship between cellular telephone with Flasher Box
Repeat process with reducing speed Speed Flasher
If it still stops at the same position repeatedly, it is possible to crash the Flash IC
In the case of failed Phone blimking contact retailers or on the phone type WD2
Make sure the phone is connected well with UFS3 Tornado Box
UFS3 Tornado Run the program for Nokia phones and select the type of WD2
Choose a type mobile phone that is being repaired
Click the Connect button to liaison between the Box UFS3 Tornado with Computers
Click the button Check to make sure the phone had been connected "Boot Ok"
In the UI Settings column select Normal, wait until the Normal Mode Ok
After appearing on the screen Normal Mode Ok continue by pressing the Format User Area
Finish Process
Practical Solutions Contact retailer or Blimking on Nokia 6600 mobile phone
If at the time of Flashing occurs Erase error
Click Erase FLASH with the provisions of the Start Address and End Address 027FFFFF 02000000
If there Erase Flash Error then have to replace the flash IC No. 2, from 4 existing IC
If the process is successful, but when power was still at the Contact retailer
Lift battry then plug it in again, then press the Call button on Hanphone or green button + * + number 3 on the mobile phone by simply pressing together, without using the sim card
After the above steps have been made, then the phone will do the formatting
After doing the formatting, mobile phones have been ready for use
In the case of Simcard Rejected or Simcard rejected a common cell phone types and DCT-4 WD2
Make sure the phone is connected well with UFS3 Tornado Box
UFS3 Tornado Run the program for Nokia phones and select the type or DCT-4 WD2
Choose a type mobile phone that is being repaired
Click the Connect button to liaison between the Box UFS3 Tornado with Computers
Click the button Check to make sure the phone had been connected "Boot Ok"
In the UI Settings column select Normal, wait until the Normal Mode Ok
After appearing on the screen Normal Mode Ok proceed by giving the Init Simlocks checklist contained in the columns UI Options
Then click the Settings UI to appear on the screen Ok Init Simlock
In the case of No Charging and No Signal On Phone type and DCT-4 WD2
Make sure the phone is connected well with UFS3 Tornado Box
UFS3 Tornado Run the program for Nokia phones and select the type or DCT-4 WD2
Choose a type mobile phone that is being repaired
Click the Connect button to liaison between the Box UFS3 Tornado with Computers
Click the button Check to make sure the phone had been connected "Boot Ok"
In the UI Settings column select Normal, wait until the Normal Mode Ok
Click the button write pm (Wr PM), only 1 time with a provision has been saved PM file from each phone in the directory (C: \ Program files \ Nokia \ Phoenix \ Products)
Wait until the process is complete
To overcome the problem Phone Locks on the phone type Nokia
Make sure the phone is connected well with UFS3 Tornado Box
UFS3 Tornado Run the program for Nokia phones
Choose a type mobile phone that is locked or the phone lock
Click the Connect button to liaison between the Box UFS3 Tornado with Computers
Click the button Check to make sure the phone had been connected "Boot Ok"
Put a tick in the Full Factory Devaults contained in the columns UI Options
Then click the Settings UI to appear on the screen Full Factory Devaults Ok
Tips and Tricks Using UFS3 Tornado On Sony Ericsson phones
Practical Ways Sony Ericsson Flashing
Make sure the phone is connected well with UFS3 Tornado Box
Click the Connect button located on the top left of the program
Battery should not be installed first before pressing the ON button, after pressing the button on your new pair of batteries, wait until all information completely legible phone
Choose a type mobile phone that will be flashed and also select the appropriate data type phones that do
Click the Flash button or Flash MCU Mod Lang or Flash or Flash GDFS or depending on the cell phone under construction
How to unlock Z200 Unlock
In this case we can start by pressing the Init Locks on UFS3 Tornado
Followed by mereflash re-file "Z200_cust_std.bis by pressing the flash button on the program Cust UFS3 Tornado
Or by setting up the scenario to choose Unlock column by pressing the Go button
Flashing Sony Ericsson Z200 Series Type ATRZ
Enter the file or data such as language and 200_126734_r6c_fix3 200_126734_r6c_con3.bis on in part2 part1
Connect the phone with flasher box and press the Go button
Wait until the finish, to end press the Stop button and the phone ready to be released
Flashing Sony Ericsson T610 series RTP Type
Enter the MCU file such as modem files T610_132233_r4c003_Emea6.bis and T610_132233_r4c003_modem.bih
Select the column scenario MCU + Modem
Connect phone and press the Go button, wait until the process is complete
Click Stop to release mobile phone
Tips and Tricks Using UFS3 Tornado on Samsung phone
Make sure the phone is connected well with UFS3 Tornado Box
Click the Connect button located on the top left of the program
Choose a type mobile phone that will be flashed and also select the appropriate data type phones that do
Enter the file flasher according to the type of phone that worked
Disconnect the battery (flash without battery)
Press the 'Write Flash' contained in the program UFS3 Tornado and continue by pressing the 'on' on the phone until the flame jgn
Wait until flash process is complete
To type a specific phone or cell phone batteries remain attached long time in the flash
Tips and Tricks On Using Tornado UFS3 Nokia
In the case of 1st Boot Err or Bad Resp DCT3
Damage like this is common because it is not terhubungnya between Box by phone
Check the flasher cable is used, because it is possible there is a broken line
If the cable is in good condition, there may be some damage to the software UFS3
Reinstall the program with data that is still good
In Case of Contact Service
Damage such as this usually occurs because of damage data
Perform data removal process with Erase FLASH
Then do flashing with data that is still good
Put a tick in the UI Options and click the Settings UI
If there is damage to the IMEI data, do the Rebuild IMEI and repeat the process UI Settings
If the damage due to hardware, there are some IC that causes it, but cases like this simply by replacing the IC or IC Audio COBBA
If sata or Erasing Flashing process, the process stalled
Check the flasher cable, because it shows breakdown of the relationship between cellular telephone with Flasher Box
Repeat process with reducing speed Speed Flasher
If it still stops at the same position repeatedly, it is possible to crash the Flash IC
In the case of failed Phone blimking contact retailers or on the phone type WD2
Make sure the phone is connected well with UFS3 Tornado Box
UFS3 Tornado Run the program for Nokia phones and select the type of WD2
Choose a type mobile phone that is being repaired
Click the Connect button to liaison between the Box UFS3 Tornado with Computers
Click the button Check to make sure the phone had been connected "Boot Ok"
In the UI Settings column select Normal, wait until the Normal Mode Ok
After appearing on the screen Normal Mode Ok continue by pressing the Format User Area
Finish Process
Practical Solutions Contact retailer or Blimking on Nokia 6600 mobile phone
If at the time of Flashing occurs Erase error
Click Erase FLASH with the provisions of the Start Address and End Address 027FFFFF 02000000
If there Erase Flash Error then have to replace the flash IC No. 2, from 4 existing IC
If the process is successful, but when power was still at the Contact retailer
Lift battry then plug it in again, then press the Call button on Hanphone or green button + * + number 3 on the mobile phone by simply pressing together, without using the sim card
After the above steps have been made, then the phone will do the formatting
After doing the formatting, mobile phones have been ready for use
In the case of Simcard Rejected or Simcard rejected a common cell phone types and DCT-4 WD2
Make sure the phone is connected well with UFS3 Tornado Box
UFS3 Tornado Run the program for Nokia phones and select the type or DCT-4 WD2
Choose a type mobile phone that is being repaired
Click the Connect button to liaison between the Box UFS3 Tornado with Computers
Click the button Check to make sure the phone had been connected "Boot Ok"
In the UI Settings column select Normal, wait until the Normal Mode Ok
After appearing on the screen Normal Mode Ok proceed by giving the Init Simlocks checklist contained in the columns UI Options
Then click the Settings UI to appear on the screen Ok Init Simlock
In the case of No Charging and No Signal On Phone type and DCT-4 WD2
Make sure the phone is connected well with UFS3 Tornado Box
UFS3 Tornado Run the program for Nokia phones and select the type or DCT-4 WD2
Choose a type mobile phone that is being repaired
Click the Connect button to liaison between the Box UFS3 Tornado with Computers
Click the button Check to make sure the phone had been connected "Boot Ok"
In the UI Settings column select Normal, wait until the Normal Mode Ok
Click the button write pm (Wr PM), only 1 time with a provision has been saved PM file from each phone in the directory (C: \ Program files \ Nokia \ Phoenix \ Products)
Wait until the process is complete
To overcome the problem Phone Locks on the phone type Nokia
Make sure the phone is connected well with UFS3 Tornado Box
UFS3 Tornado Run the program for Nokia phones
Choose a type mobile phone that is locked or the phone lock
Click the Connect button to liaison between the Box UFS3 Tornado with Computers
Click the button Check to make sure the phone had been connected "Boot Ok"
Put a tick in the Full Factory Devaults contained in the columns UI Options
Then click the Settings UI to appear on the screen Full Factory Devaults Ok
Tips and Tricks Using UFS3 Tornado On Sony Ericsson phones
Practical Ways Sony Ericsson Flashing
Make sure the phone is connected well with UFS3 Tornado Box
Click the Connect button located on the top left of the program
Battery should not be installed first before pressing the ON button, after pressing the button on your new pair of batteries, wait until all information completely legible phone
Choose a type mobile phone that will be flashed and also select the appropriate data type phones that do
Click the Flash button or Flash MCU Mod Lang or Flash or Flash GDFS or depending on the cell phone under construction
How to unlock Z200 Unlock
In this case we can start by pressing the Init Locks on UFS3 Tornado
Followed by mereflash re-file "Z200_cust_std.bis by pressing the flash button on the program Cust UFS3 Tornado
Or by setting up the scenario to choose Unlock column by pressing the Go button
Flashing Sony Ericsson Z200 Series Type ATRZ
Enter the file or data such as language and 200_126734_r6c_fix3 200_126734_r6c_con3.bis on in part2 part1
Connect the phone with flasher box and press the Go button
Wait until the finish, to end press the Stop button and the phone ready to be released
Flashing Sony Ericsson T610 series RTP Type
Enter the MCU file such as modem files T610_132233_r4c003_Emea6.bis and T610_132233_r4c003_modem.bih
Select the column scenario MCU + Modem
Connect phone and press the Go button, wait until the process is complete
Click Stop to release mobile phone
Tips and Tricks Using UFS3 Tornado on Samsung phone
Make sure the phone is connected well with UFS3 Tornado Box
Click the Connect button located on the top left of the program
Choose a type mobile phone that will be flashed and also select the appropriate data type phones that do
Enter the file flasher according to the type of phone that worked
Disconnect the battery (flash without battery)
Press the 'Write Flash' contained in the program UFS3 Tornado and continue by pressing the 'on' on the phone until the flame jgn
Wait until flash process is complete
To type a specific phone or cell phone batteries remain attached long time in the flash

Card error, Sim Cards in Decline, Simcard Rejected
All this damage is marked with error notification as mentioned above appears on the display. These signs appear when we insert the SIM card into the phone and of course the phone will not work, because the phone is not able to read all the data information contained in the SIM Card including the number that will be used. What causes this problem occur?
There are various factors that may cause problems associated with the SIM Card and not necessarily those problems caused by the SIM Card, among other factors, namely:
· Problems Software error or locks (Operating System mobile phone SIM card was not able to read because of system errors in it)
· SIM card damaged (damage is caused by a damaged SIM card so it can not be read by mobile phone)
· Connector connects the SIM card is bad
· Simcard damaged connector (As a means of determining connectivity between mobile phones and SIM Card connector is a major determinant cause of damage)
· Driver support is broken (diode, capacitor, resistor and transistor)
· Filter damaged SIM Card
· IC Power Problems
· CPU Problems
· Disconnect the SIM card route
The steps that must be done to overcome the problems associated with the SIM Card, among others, namely:
· Check simcard with simcard new way to try to (try to pair, if functioning properly, the damage is not happening on the phone but the SIM card)
· Check sim card connector is damaged or there is bad conn (check the legs of the connector and fix it or clean it carefully)
· Check point (with the understanding the scheme simcard lane and take the measurement using a multi tester x 1ohm or use the buzzer on multitester)
• Use the software to unlock simlock or flashing do in case of data errors (software used by, among others, the Tornado UFS-HWK, JAF, Prodigy and other software improvements)
• If there is a problem in the driver re-do the solder or replacement of the resistors, capacitors, diodes or transistors associated with the SIM Card (see scheme phone line)
· Apply solder to the IC power or re-do the replacement
· Perform solder re-do on the CPU or replacement
All this damage is marked with error notification as mentioned above appears on the display. These signs appear when we insert the SIM card into the phone and of course the phone will not work, because the phone is not able to read all the data information contained in the SIM Card including the number that will be used. What causes this problem occur?
There are various factors that may cause problems associated with the SIM Card and not necessarily those problems caused by the SIM Card, among other factors, namely:
· Problems Software error or locks (Operating System mobile phone SIM card was not able to read because of system errors in it)
· SIM card damaged (damage is caused by a damaged SIM card so it can not be read by mobile phone)
· Connector connects the SIM card is bad
· Simcard damaged connector (As a means of determining connectivity between mobile phones and SIM Card connector is a major determinant cause of damage)
· Driver support is broken (diode, capacitor, resistor and transistor)
· Filter damaged SIM Card
· IC Power Problems
· CPU Problems
· Disconnect the SIM card route
The steps that must be done to overcome the problems associated with the SIM Card, among others, namely:
· Check simcard with simcard new way to try to (try to pair, if functioning properly, the damage is not happening on the phone but the SIM card)
· Check sim card connector is damaged or there is bad conn (check the legs of the connector and fix it or clean it carefully)
· Check point (with the understanding the scheme simcard lane and take the measurement using a multi tester x 1ohm or use the buzzer on multitester)
• Use the software to unlock simlock or flashing do in case of data errors (software used by, among others, the Tornado UFS-HWK, JAF, Prodigy and other software improvements)
• If there is a problem in the driver re-do the solder or replacement of the resistors, capacitors, diodes or transistors associated with the SIM Card (see scheme phone line)
· Apply solder to the IC power or re-do the replacement
· Perform solder re-do on the CPU or replacement

lCD 6300 CINA.......... FPC4328A-V1
LCD 6500 CINA.......... DFT-60248-03 V01
LCD ANYCALL GC668.......... 145713-A
LCD ANYCALL T728.......... TFT8K-2132-FPC-A1-E
LCD ASIAFONE 108.......... 2001803
LCD ASIAFONE 303.......... TFT8K1480FPC-A1-E
LCD ASIAFONE 306.......... SAT 22009 A16B
LCD ASIAFONE 701.......... D133CPT
LCD BB i900.......... YT20F34GIA-FPC-A
LCD BEYOND B 505.......... TFT8K-1499 FPC
LCD BEYOND B 530/ GSTAR 818.......... TFT8K1569FPC-A1-E
LCD BEYOND B 555/STARTECH st21.......... FPC C14MVGU-1-01
LCD BEYOND B 600.......... FPC ST020B6C-D30VERI
LCD BEYOND B 620.......... HT 020-699
LCD BEYOND B 68.......... ART22F3605 Q
LCD BEYOND B 710/SPIRIT 77.......... FPC-ST024C6CD20-VER1
LCD BEYOND B 818/ B 618.......... 8K1201
LCD BEYOND B 868.......... TFT8K1287FPC-B2-E
LCD BEYOND B 9000.......... TFT8K-3309FPC-A1-E
LCD BEYOND B 999i.......... FPC-S95339-V01
LCD BEYOND B720.......... FPCST024C6CD-NOO
LCD CROSS CB80.......... WD04569A
LCD CROSS CB90.......... WD 04583 AFIS
LCD CROSS GG51.......... YL8674
LCD CROSS GG53.......... WD604BF
LCD CROSS GG66.......... JYD G6096 SA
LCD CROSS GG77.......... JFP-60278-01
LCD CROSS GG777.......... YT028C08SB
LCD CROSS GG79.......... YL88H5MLA
LCD CSL BLUEBERRY.......... FPC-G240 T40-185 C V00
LCD DEZZ0 D800.......... TFT8K3288 FPC-A1-E
LCD D-ONE 289.......... FPC 4219J-V1 BF
LCD D-ONE 758.......... JYD GA 200-0119 FPC-A
LCD D-ONE 768.......... TFT8K3503 FPC-A1-E
LCD D-ONE DG558/TAXCO VX1.......... T-0079
LCD D-ONE DG568.......... FPC-T24JHSO1
LCD D-ONE DG578.......... YL9737MLA-A-O
LCD D-ONE DG638.......... JYD GA 200-0119 FPC-A
LCD D-ONE DG829/ZTC303.......... 8K1038
LCD E66 CINA.......... FPC-Y8021 V02
LCD E71 CINA.......... TFT8K3339-A1-E
LCD E71 CINA.......... KTFT2400-100
LCD E90 CINA.......... TFT 8K1569FPC-A1-E
LCD EDLINE 8900.......... YDT240000
LCD ELZIRO.......... KT220AA-033A-V1
LCD ESIA WARNA.......... WD-X1008V7
LCD ETOUCH 303.......... ART20F1701S
LCD ETOUCH 505.......... WTD WD 04569 B
LCD ETOUCH BB 626.......... TFT8K-3262 FPC-A1-E
LCD ETOUCH BB E66.......... TFT 8K3277 FPC-A2-E
LCD ETOUCH E606/GSTAR 988/VODASTAR 228.......... 8K 3277
LCD ETOUCH TD830.......... TFT8K-1556-FPC-A1-E
LCD GSTAR 168.......... TSF8H0508FPC-A2-E
LCD GSTAR 238.......... YM177-016B
LCD GSTAR 368.......... FPC-K200QFE-V8-01
LCD GSTAR 388.......... YT2406CIA-FPC-A
LCD GSTAR 889/VODASTAR V288.......... FPC1A0029
LCD GSTAR 899.......... TM022-KDZ00
LCD GT 28.......... GOG-1264-FPC-A1
LCD GVONE 530.......... TSF8-H048S FPC-A1-E
LCD GVONE 620.......... DMT 0597 FPC-A
LCD GVONE 808/TAXCO DM90.......... FPCS95261
LCD GVONE 920.......... TFT8K-3483-FPC-A1-E
LCD HITECH H38.......... TFT8K1486FPC-A1-E
LCD HITECH h39/MY-G 660.......... TFT8K1277FPC-A1
LCD HITECH H61/N96 CINA.......... TFT8K 1270 FPC-B1-E
LCD HT A30.......... TFT8K2510FPC-A1-E
LCD HT G10/IMO 369/NEXCOM N69.......... FPC2003701090922
LCD HT G10/VITELL V717.......... KT200AA-027A
LCD HT G19.......... ART 22F3702 Q CIF
LCD HT G30/BEYOND B85/E71 CINA/MITO G91.......... TFT8K2469FPC-A1-E
LCD HT G32.......... TFT8K2719FPC-A1-E
LCD HT G33.......... S2222-0090
LCD HT M12/M21
LCD IMO 189/TAXCO W2/TIGER 338.......... FPC2001802
LCD IMO 200.......... 8H0484
LCD IMO 369.......... FPC1773604
LCD IMO 819.......... TFT8K 8717C-VO-CI
LCD IMO 9000.......... TFT8K3327FPC-A1-E
LCD IMOBILE C6000.......... TFT8K1358FPC-A1-E
LCD IMOBILE i101.......... FP-00509-04
LCD IMOBILE i202.......... FPC-T18DES33VOF
LCD IMOBILE i510.......... WD-F1212V7
LCD I-PHONE 1711.......... TFT8K-1711-FPC-A1-E
LCD I-PHONE 228.......... FPC429/F-V1
LCD IT-MOBILE X607.......... LT8179-01
LCD I-TU 8868.......... TFT8K1670FPC-A1-E
LCD I-TU 8878/IMO G911/MAXTRON 185/ZTE 777.......... YT22F88CIB-FPC-A
LCD I-TU 8888.......... JYD-GC200-0277 FPC-B
LCD KTOUCH A5118/B2200.......... TSF8H0598FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH A650/A615.......... CT024TN02 M1-E
LCD KTOUCH A933/TOCALL T220.......... TFT8K1296FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH B830.......... FPC4069AG-V
LCD KTOUCH D175.......... TFT8K0943FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH D186.......... TFT8K1253FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH D770.......... FPC4312E
LCD KTOUCH DT-08.......... TFT8K1546FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH E60.......... PN 145074D
LCD KTOUCH H699.......... TFT8K-3394-FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH H888.......... FPC8585N-V0-C
LCD KTOUCH H999.......... 8K3859
LCD KTOUCH V310.......... FPC8537
LCD KTOUCH V908.......... TFT8K 1069 FPC-A1-E
LCD LEXUS 1108.......... T177CHI-8
LCD LEXUS 2108.......... FPC-242-4
LCD LEXUS 8011/BEYOND 868/N99 CINA.......... YT28F03MHA-FPC-C
LCD LEXUS L16.......... FPC-Y80575 V01
LCD LEXUS L61/SKYPHONE 868.......... FPC240-28
LCD LEXUS L88.......... 8K3601
LCD MAXTRON 198.......... T026QVT003
LCD MITO 2000/V708/HT G11/HT G18.......... ART 20F 3707
LCD MITO 2108.......... FPC242-4-V
LCD MITO 298/MY G600.......... DMT0311FPC-B1
LCD MITO 800.......... KD9718-128
LCD MITO 8100/LEXUS L18.......... YT22F68 GIA-FPC-A
LCD MITO 8200.......... GA240-0293
LCD MITO 838/VITELL 737.......... TFT8K 3248 FPC-A1-E
LCD MITO BB 189.......... FPC2001802
LCD MITO C6000.......... TFT8K1358FPC-A1-E
LCD MIXCON BB M88.......... TFT8K0706FPC-A1-E
LCD MIXCON BB S388.......... TFT8K3278FPC-A1-E
LCD MIXCON BB S500.......... FPC-51-ROHS0846
LCD MIXCON BB S908.......... YT24F96CHD-FPC-A
LCD MY-G 600.......... DMT0311FPC-B1
LCD MY-G 630.......... TFT8K1208FPC-A1-E
LCD MY-G 638.......... TFT-8K0679-A2-E
LCD MY-G 810/ST 59
LCD MY-G 880.......... YDE FPC24T495-A1
LCD N70 CINA.......... TFT 4511
LCD N73 CINA.......... OPFPCT0566-V1
LCD N77 CINA.......... TFT8K1480FPC-A1-E
LCD N82 CINA.......... TFT8K 0561 FPC
LCD N95 CINA.......... TSF805D (B)
LCD N96 CINA.......... KLLCMTFT2807-VOA
LCD N96 SOLDER.......... FPC-FTP280PO4N-OO
LCD N97 CINA.......... FPC-FTM300D072-00
LCD N97 CINA.......... X1300344P B
LCD NEXCOM NC99.......... 8K3495
LCD NEXIAN C951.......... TFT8K3666FPC-A1-E
LCD NEXIAN G381/G501/G503.......... FPC248
LCD NEXIAN G505.......... FPC24239
LCD NEXIAN G522 ORI.......... TFT8K3369FPC-A1-E
LCD NEXIAN G700/HT M10/VITELL 288.......... TSF8H-0478 FPC
LCD NEXIAN G788.......... FPC8717
LCD NEXIAN G801.......... FPC2065-1-AO
LCD NEXIAN G868.......... TFT8K 3561FPC-A1-C
LCD NEXIAN G900/G922.......... TFT8K2885FPC-A1-E
LCD NEXIAN G912.......... TFT8K 2689 FPC-A1-E
LCD NEXIAN G923.......... TFT8K3454 FPC-A1-E
LCD NEXIAN T788.......... 1540003380
LCD NEXIAN T901.......... 8K4703
LCD SPC BOSS C1000.......... JYD GB220-0220 FPC-A
LCD SWAHOO S890.......... TFT8K-1962 FPC
LCD TAXCO DM70.......... FPC4219J-V1
LCD TAXCO DM77.......... FPC-FTM3000O03Z-00
LCD TAXCO TX60.......... FPC-C177 VHV-2-B2
LCD TAXCO TX65.......... DMT0304
LCD TAXCO W2.......... FPC-200180209 1111 FGD
LCD TIPHONE T67/D-ONE 739/TV3000.......... 8K2352
LCD TITAN Q58.......... 2003507
LCD TOCALL T323.......... G240T37TD-053
LCD TOCALL T550/BB CINA C9000.......... TFT8K3327FPC-A1-E
LCD TV C1000.......... WTD T171M
LCD VITELL 710.......... JYD GB220-0218 FPC-A
LCD VITELL 717/HT G10.......... KT200AA-027A
LCD VITELL BB V708.......... LT 20F 3707
LCD VITELL T90.......... TFT8K2898
LCD VITELL V222.......... FPC-S92027A-1
LCD ZTE 1688.......... TSF8H0485FPC-A1-E
LCD ZTE C335.......... FPC 4506 A-V2
LCD 6500 CINA.......... DFT-60248-03 V01
LCD ANYCALL GC668.......... 145713-A
LCD ANYCALL T728.......... TFT8K-2132-FPC-A1-E
LCD ASIAFONE 108.......... 2001803
LCD ASIAFONE 303.......... TFT8K1480FPC-A1-E
LCD ASIAFONE 306.......... SAT 22009 A16B
LCD ASIAFONE 701.......... D133CPT
LCD BB i900.......... YT20F34GIA-FPC-A
LCD BEYOND B 505.......... TFT8K-1499 FPC
LCD BEYOND B 530/ GSTAR 818.......... TFT8K1569FPC-A1-E
LCD BEYOND B 555/STARTECH st21.......... FPC C14MVGU-1-01
LCD BEYOND B 600.......... FPC ST020B6C-D30VERI
LCD BEYOND B 620.......... HT 020-699
LCD BEYOND B 68.......... ART22F3605 Q
LCD BEYOND B 710/SPIRIT 77.......... FPC-ST024C6CD20-VER1
LCD BEYOND B 818/ B 618.......... 8K1201
LCD BEYOND B 868.......... TFT8K1287FPC-B2-E
LCD BEYOND B 9000.......... TFT8K-3309FPC-A1-E
LCD BEYOND B 999i.......... FPC-S95339-V01
LCD BEYOND B720.......... FPCST024C6CD-NOO
LCD CROSS CB80.......... WD04569A
LCD CROSS CB90.......... WD 04583 AFIS
LCD CROSS GG51.......... YL8674
LCD CROSS GG53.......... WD604BF
LCD CROSS GG66.......... JYD G6096 SA
LCD CROSS GG77.......... JFP-60278-01
LCD CROSS GG777.......... YT028C08SB
LCD CROSS GG79.......... YL88H5MLA
LCD CSL BLUEBERRY.......... FPC-G240 T40-185 C V00
LCD DEZZ0 D800.......... TFT8K3288 FPC-A1-E
LCD D-ONE 289.......... FPC 4219J-V1 BF
LCD D-ONE 758.......... JYD GA 200-0119 FPC-A
LCD D-ONE 768.......... TFT8K3503 FPC-A1-E
LCD D-ONE DG558/TAXCO VX1.......... T-0079
LCD D-ONE DG568.......... FPC-T24JHSO1
LCD D-ONE DG578.......... YL9737MLA-A-O
LCD D-ONE DG638.......... JYD GA 200-0119 FPC-A
LCD D-ONE DG829/ZTC303.......... 8K1038
LCD E66 CINA.......... FPC-Y8021 V02
LCD E71 CINA.......... TFT8K3339-A1-E
LCD E71 CINA.......... KTFT2400-100
LCD E90 CINA.......... TFT 8K1569FPC-A1-E
LCD EDLINE 8900.......... YDT240000
LCD ELZIRO.......... KT220AA-033A-V1
LCD ESIA WARNA.......... WD-X1008V7
LCD ETOUCH 303.......... ART20F1701S
LCD ETOUCH 505.......... WTD WD 04569 B
LCD ETOUCH BB 626.......... TFT8K-3262 FPC-A1-E
LCD ETOUCH BB E66.......... TFT 8K3277 FPC-A2-E
LCD ETOUCH E606/GSTAR 988/VODASTAR 228.......... 8K 3277
LCD ETOUCH TD830.......... TFT8K-1556-FPC-A1-E
LCD GSTAR 168.......... TSF8H0508FPC-A2-E
LCD GSTAR 238.......... YM177-016B
LCD GSTAR 368.......... FPC-K200QFE-V8-01
LCD GSTAR 388.......... YT2406CIA-FPC-A
LCD GSTAR 889/VODASTAR V288.......... FPC1A0029
LCD GSTAR 899.......... TM022-KDZ00
LCD GT 28.......... GOG-1264-FPC-A1
LCD GVONE 530.......... TSF8-H048S FPC-A1-E
LCD GVONE 620.......... DMT 0597 FPC-A
LCD GVONE 808/TAXCO DM90.......... FPCS95261
LCD GVONE 920.......... TFT8K-3483-FPC-A1-E
LCD HITECH H38.......... TFT8K1486FPC-A1-E
LCD HITECH h39/MY-G 660.......... TFT8K1277FPC-A1
LCD HITECH H61/N96 CINA.......... TFT8K 1270 FPC-B1-E
LCD HT A30.......... TFT8K2510FPC-A1-E
LCD HT G10/IMO 369/NEXCOM N69.......... FPC2003701090922
LCD HT G10/VITELL V717.......... KT200AA-027A
LCD HT G19.......... ART 22F3702 Q CIF
LCD HT G30/BEYOND B85/E71 CINA/MITO G91.......... TFT8K2469FPC-A1-E
LCD HT G32.......... TFT8K2719FPC-A1-E
LCD HT G33.......... S2222-0090
LCD HT M12/M21
LCD IMO 189/TAXCO W2/TIGER 338.......... FPC2001802
LCD IMO 200.......... 8H0484
LCD IMO 369.......... FPC1773604
LCD IMO 819.......... TFT8K 8717C-VO-CI
LCD IMO 9000.......... TFT8K3327FPC-A1-E
LCD IMOBILE C6000.......... TFT8K1358FPC-A1-E
LCD IMOBILE i101.......... FP-00509-04
LCD IMOBILE i202.......... FPC-T18DES33VOF
LCD IMOBILE i510.......... WD-F1212V7
LCD I-PHONE 1711.......... TFT8K-1711-FPC-A1-E
LCD I-PHONE 228.......... FPC429/F-V1
LCD IT-MOBILE X607.......... LT8179-01
LCD I-TU 8868.......... TFT8K1670FPC-A1-E
LCD I-TU 8878/IMO G911/MAXTRON 185/ZTE 777.......... YT22F88CIB-FPC-A
LCD I-TU 8888.......... JYD-GC200-0277 FPC-B
LCD KTOUCH A5118/B2200.......... TSF8H0598FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH A650/A615.......... CT024TN02 M1-E
LCD KTOUCH A933/TOCALL T220.......... TFT8K1296FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH B830.......... FPC4069AG-V
LCD KTOUCH D175.......... TFT8K0943FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH D186.......... TFT8K1253FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH D770.......... FPC4312E
LCD KTOUCH DT-08.......... TFT8K1546FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH E60.......... PN 145074D
LCD KTOUCH H699.......... TFT8K-3394-FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH H888.......... FPC8585N-V0-C
LCD KTOUCH H999.......... 8K3859
LCD KTOUCH V310.......... FPC8537
LCD KTOUCH V908.......... TFT8K 1069 FPC-A1-E
LCD LEXUS 1108.......... T177CHI-8
LCD LEXUS 2108.......... FPC-242-4
LCD LEXUS 8011/BEYOND 868/N99 CINA.......... YT28F03MHA-FPC-C
LCD LEXUS L16.......... FPC-Y80575 V01
LCD LEXUS L61/SKYPHONE 868.......... FPC240-28
LCD LEXUS L88.......... 8K3601
LCD MAXTRON 198.......... T026QVT003
LCD MITO 2000/V708/HT G11/HT G18.......... ART 20F 3707
LCD MITO 2108.......... FPC242-4-V
LCD MITO 298/MY G600.......... DMT0311FPC-B1
LCD MITO 800.......... KD9718-128
LCD MITO 8100/LEXUS L18.......... YT22F68 GIA-FPC-A
LCD MITO 8200.......... GA240-0293
LCD MITO 838/VITELL 737.......... TFT8K 3248 FPC-A1-E
LCD MITO BB 189.......... FPC2001802
LCD MITO C6000.......... TFT8K1358FPC-A1-E
LCD MIXCON BB M88.......... TFT8K0706FPC-A1-E
LCD MIXCON BB S388.......... TFT8K3278FPC-A1-E
LCD MIXCON BB S500.......... FPC-51-ROHS0846
LCD MIXCON BB S908.......... YT24F96CHD-FPC-A
LCD MY-G 600.......... DMT0311FPC-B1
LCD MY-G 630.......... TFT8K1208FPC-A1-E
LCD MY-G 638.......... TFT-8K0679-A2-E
LCD MY-G 810/ST 59
LCD MY-G 880.......... YDE FPC24T495-A1
LCD N70 CINA.......... TFT 4511
LCD N73 CINA.......... OPFPCT0566-V1
LCD N77 CINA.......... TFT8K1480FPC-A1-E
LCD N82 CINA.......... TFT8K 0561 FPC
LCD N95 CINA.......... TSF805D (B)
LCD N96 CINA.......... KLLCMTFT2807-VOA
LCD N96 SOLDER.......... FPC-FTP280PO4N-OO
LCD N97 CINA.......... FPC-FTM300D072-00
LCD N97 CINA.......... X1300344P B
LCD NEXCOM NC99.......... 8K3495
LCD NEXIAN C951.......... TFT8K3666FPC-A1-E
LCD NEXIAN G381/G501/G503.......... FPC248
LCD NEXIAN G505.......... FPC24239
LCD NEXIAN G522 ORI.......... TFT8K3369FPC-A1-E
LCD NEXIAN G700/HT M10/VITELL 288.......... TSF8H-0478 FPC
LCD NEXIAN G788.......... FPC8717
LCD NEXIAN G801.......... FPC2065-1-AO
LCD NEXIAN G868.......... TFT8K 3561FPC-A1-C
LCD NEXIAN G900/G922.......... TFT8K2885FPC-A1-E
LCD NEXIAN G912.......... TFT8K 2689 FPC-A1-E
LCD NEXIAN G923.......... TFT8K3454 FPC-A1-E
LCD NEXIAN T788.......... 1540003380
LCD NEXIAN T901.......... 8K4703
LCD SPC BOSS C1000.......... JYD GB220-0220 FPC-A
LCD SWAHOO S890.......... TFT8K-1962 FPC
LCD TAXCO DM70.......... FPC4219J-V1
LCD TAXCO DM77.......... FPC-FTM3000O03Z-00
LCD TAXCO TX60.......... FPC-C177 VHV-2-B2
LCD TAXCO TX65.......... DMT0304
LCD TAXCO W2.......... FPC-200180209 1111 FGD
LCD TIPHONE T67/D-ONE 739/TV3000.......... 8K2352
LCD TITAN Q58.......... 2003507
LCD TOCALL T323.......... G240T37TD-053
LCD TOCALL T550/BB CINA C9000.......... TFT8K3327FPC-A1-E
LCD TV C1000.......... WTD T171M
LCD VITELL 710.......... JYD GB220-0218 FPC-A
LCD VITELL 717/HT G10.......... KT200AA-027A
LCD VITELL BB V708.......... LT 20F 3707
LCD VITELL T90.......... TFT8K2898
LCD VITELL V222.......... FPC-S92027A-1
LCD ZTE 1688.......... TSF8H0485FPC-A1-E
LCD ZTE C335.......... FPC 4506 A-V2

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