I. developer
• RAP3G (3G Radio Application Processor), which controls the main work phone. Retu voltage from VIO 1.8 Volt, and Vcore 1.4 Volt from TAHVO.
• not omas OMAP (Open Multimedia Mobile Processor), which controls the interface, such as Camera, MMC, keypad, LCD, etc. OMAP receive supply voltage 1,8 volts retu to VIO.
PCB Home Nokia 6680 (BB5)
Each processor has its own memory. RAP3G have a NOR Flash + SDRAM, while the OMAP Combo memory with the Ape
II. Memory
Since the data storage for the mobile phone type of memory used as follows:
• NAND Flash (Ape Combo Memory), which enters the OMAP processor. This memory contains the application data and user data User Interface settings. NAND Flash ICs have supply voltage of VIO Power retu VDRAM 1.8 Volt and 1.8 Volt.
• «New Flash + SDRAM (CMT Memory) is memory that contains vital data containing the main function of the phone firmware, Certification and Certificate ID. VIO supply voltage of 1.8 volts retu.
III. Power Supply Regulation
Component Power Supply, or better known as IC power BB5 phones is also divided into two parts:
• retu main power ICs are responsible for providing supply voltage to CPU, the SIM card, and the launch of Power and voltage other vital. Well as audio signal processing (Vibrator, device, headset and speaker Phone. Damage to retu verifiable causes of dead cell phone and other forms of damage.
Other function set LED lighting retu two LCD / Keypad President, the Assembly. Keypad LED does not light up when in a lighted room. Als (surrounding Light sensor) is located in front of the phone casing form the light sensitive transistor.
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• TAHVO the second is responsible for power IC also provides voltage to CPU, battere charging voltage (charging), flashing LED voltage and voltage.
Unlike DCT4 on, powernya UEM IC that contains security data IMEI number, and then retu TAHVO data security is the fact that the replacement TAHVO retu and does not require filling in the area, as well as DCT4 security.
IV. RF ICs (radio frequency)
Component Signal Processor on BB5 phones is also divided into two components, in particular,
• HINKU the component signal receiver (receiver). Incoming signal to a mobile phone, which was then processed and RAP3G Hinku will be sent to the speakers on the issue.
• VINKU a component of the transmitter signal from the mic to RAP3G and strengthened the VINKU
by PA and is transferred to the provider ..
V. Other Make startpage
Other components are
• GSM & WCDMA PA strengthening free output signals from VINKU.
• Media Switch set the receiver and transmitter signal paths and out.
• Bluetooth-IC to control the work function of Bluetooth data transfer 2.4 GHz frequency bands.
Identifying and knowing the components and functions of his office, then we can easily identify and to determine the origin of damage, if any problem arises with the latest Nokia phones this group